汉仪新蒂丝绸之路体融合了多种创作元素,首先是书写 工具采用中西书写兼顾的“竹笔”,消除了以往书写方式 中西之间非此即彼的诟病。字体部件的设计同时也来源 于茶叶和丝绸这两件中国文化的重要元素。
H ow T h e T w o B r o t h e r s P o l o S e t F o r t h F r o m C o n s t a n t i n o p l e T o T r a - v e r s e T h e W o r l d It came to pass in the year of C hrist 1260, when B ald - win was reigning at C onstantinople, that M esser N icolas P olo, the father of my lord M ark, and M esser M affeo P olo, the brother of M esser N icolas, were at the said city of C O N S T A N T I N O P L E, whither they had gone L T he S ilk R oad derives its name from the lucrative trade in silk carried out along its length, beginning in the H an dynasty (207 B C E–220 C E). T he H an dynasty expanded the C entral A sian section of the trade routes around 114 B C E through the missions and explorations of the C hinese imperial envoy Z hang Q ian. T he C hinese took great inter - est in the safety of their trade products and extended the G reat W all of C hina to ensure the protection of the trade route.
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